"Faith for the Next"


Sunday Morning Prayer - 9:00 AM / Worship Service - 10:00 AM (Belair Campus) / Wednesday Bible Study (The Conversation) -7:00 PM

Jul. 21, 2024

The Mechanics of Faith- 4. Miracle Working Power of God

Miracles-extraordinary event that is the result of God's direct and powerful action, supersedes the laws of physics.

Sermon Notes:

*Live your life with faith.

*We did not give our lives to Jesus to get beat up. Our remedy is the Word of God.

*Get the Word of God in your heart so you can live by faith.

*Our lives is dependent on God who is our source.

*If you always need a miracle, then you are not doing your part.

*Don't let your flesh get you in trouble.

*Don't try to do what God is to do!


1. Our faith will produce miracles.

2. We must believe God will do it.

3. Miracles are for other to believe, not necessary for you.

4. Miracles are for the glory of God.

5. Don't ask God to do what we should do ourselves.